Thursday, January 29, 2009

Amos 5:13

I often have an opinion…about everything. It seems like I either love something or I hate it.(Which is funny., because I can’t hardly stand the word “hate” being spoken out loud ~ if that makes any sense.) It took awhile to realize that I was like this. It is funny how things in life tend to make some of my personality traits very evident to me. Am I going to change because of my new found revelation? No, I will not. But one thing I will change is how I respond. Looking back, there are some moments that have been proud of the way I have respond to difficult situations. But that is not always the case. Many times, when my expectations are not met, I find myself letting others know about it.

I read the book of James a lot! It has so many verses having to deal with the tongue. In BSF last week I came across the verse Amos 5:13 “Therefore, the prudent man keeps quiet in such times, for the times are evil”. I want to be a “prudent woman” I want to be a woman of Godly character. My prayer today is just that, and God’s wisdom on when to speak my opinions and when to keep my mouth shut!:)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Simple Joys of Life...

I had a great day yesterday! Did anything momentous happen? No, just the everyday pleasures of life. My boss bought my lunch (again). Orange Chicken from 5 Spice! My Fav! On my way home from work I was able to talk to a wonderful friend. (I know I should not talk on my cell phone and drive, but anyways) I am just reminded of how blessed I am to have the friends that I have. Two of my best friends live in Alabama and Indiana. Praise Lord for unlimited mobile to mobile!:) To top off my day yesterday was Awana. I work with the 4th grade girls. What I blast! We had 16girls & 6 leaders last night! So, every girl got plenty of attention and help. What a blessing! It was POX night, which meant the girls got to put dots on us for every page they completed. They worked very hard. As you can see…
Last night as I walked in to my apartment alone, I felt such a peace, and contentment. I know that God is using me. That is the true desire of my heart. My life my not be exciting to many but I love it, and would not have it any other way!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Well it is Wednesday...

Well, it is Wednesday, the second one of 2009. Wow, what happen to 2008? Really, It seems as though 08 went by in the blink of an eye. Right now I am looking back and looking ahead. I am a planner! I love to have things mapped out. I truly enjoy sitting down with calendar and filling it up with activities. I enjoy seeing what am I going to be doing next week, next month, next year....But I am learning some things you just don't and can't plan for. Such as a fun day playing in the snow with my nephews, a crazy fun game of domino's with family and friends, an long phone conversation with a friend, or the death of a grandmother.

Anyone who knows me knows that I have had a rough past several years. Last year was better, but there were still sometimes in it that were hard. Cancer in family members, deaths in the family and so on. What I am finding out in life is that life is short and precious. I truly want to savor every moment. I do not want to look back on my life and have any regrets. Sure, I have some, we all do. But I want my life to be a testomony of what the Lord can do. I want my words and actions to bring glory to God. I am realizing that it is ok to be still sometimes (even though it is hard for me).

I don't know if anyone other that myself will ever read any of this but that is OK.
I just thought It would be fun to keep a blog, and to go back and read the changes that have occured in my life. I have been so blessed even in the "trials" of life.

Here are some blessings that I have in my life...
*My family
*A great job
*Wonderful friends
*The ability to laugh even in the hard times.:)
*My 4th grade Sunday School Class
*Football (even though the Colts are out of the playoffs)