Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How to get a husband…

We had some new fabric come in today. Let me back up….I work in a sales office for a company that sells scissors, sewing notions, sewing baskets and such. We have a lot of fabric come to our office. We look through it to choose what we will show to our customers. It actually really is fun. It is always interesting to see the different tastes people have. Anyways….We had some samples come in today that were like 50’s retro. Most were very clever. One in particular was hilarious! It was called “How to get a husband”. It had advice on it such as:

Don’t argue…His always right.
When you meet his mother…smile
Show him you love housework
If he is the generous type…grab him
Don’t be too sexy
And the list goes on.

There are pictures to go along with each piece of advice. Funny Stuff!

If I had only had this list before now maybe there would have been some hope… Nah!:)