Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Well the fall 2011 semester is over. I made the deans's list. (happy, happy)

It is strange when the semester ends, it just sort of seems anticlimactic. All the homework, projects, and test are suddenly over. Done. I find myself looking around like what do I do now? I have been caught up in this race for the past 4 months, I crossed the finish line, I am doubled over with my hands on my knees, red faced, trying to catch my breath. There is now this void to be filled.

I think I have forgotten how to relax.

I have to keep focusing on why I am in school. My greatest desire is to make a difference in the lives of others. I feel like my "life" is on hold at times while I am in school.

Sometimes I feel like I am missing out on something... Am I?

I just keep thinking the best is yet to come. Until then, this is my life....


  1. YAY! A couple of new entries!!! You should student teach with me.

  2. Danavee, I would LOVE to student teach with you!:) We will talk.
